My Princess - Valentine's Bouquet
My Princess - Valentine's Bouquet
The My Princess bouquet features velvety red roses complemented by fragrant eucalyptus parvifolia, creating a captivating arrangement perfect for Valentine’s Day. Delivered fresh and beautifully wrapped, this bouquet is available exclusively in Metro Manila, Bulacan, Cavite, Laguna, and Rizal, complete with a complimentary message card and free delivery. Designed to evoke passion and devotion, it’s a heartfelt gesture guaranteed to leave your loved one enchanted.
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Product Descriptions
My Princess
Celebrate the magic of Valentine’s Day with the My Princess Bouquet—a breathtaking arrangement that exudes love and romance. Featuring velvety red roses as the heart of the design, framed by fragrant eucalyptus parvifolia and lush tea leaves, this bouquet is a heartfelt expression of your devotion. Elegantly wrapped and thoughtfully crafted, it’s the perfect way to say, "You’re my everything," and make your Valentine feel truly cherished.
Product Details
Blooms: Imported Red Roses and Eucalyptus Parvifolia
Arrangement Style: A timeless hand-tied bouquet, beautifully wrapped to highlight the romantic allure of the roses and the natural elegance of the eucalyptus foliage.
Delivery Details
EXCLUSIVE TO SELECT AREAS: Available only in Metro Manila, Bulacan, Cavite, Laguna, and Rizal.
Inclusions & Add-Ons
Complimentary Message Card: Share your love with a personalized note.
At Floristella, we promise the freshest, most vibrant flowers. Your My Princess Bouquet will arrive in perfect condition, ready to create lasting memories.
Care Instructions
Watering: Upon receiving the bouquet, trim the stems at an angle and place them in fresh, cool water. Refresh the water daily.
Trimming: Trim the stems every 2-3 days to ensure optimal water absorption.
Placement: Keep the bouquet in a cool area, away from direct sunlight and drafts.
Lifespan: Remove any wilting flowers promptly to keep the bouquet fresh and extend its life.