Amalia - Valentine's Roses Bouquet
Amalia - Valentine's Roses Bouquet
The Amalia Bouquet features 12 velvety red roses paired with delicate baby's breath, symbolizing timeless romance and devotion. With free delivery available in Metro Manila and nearby areas, it’s the perfect way to ensure your heartfelt gesture arrives on time. Express your love this Valentine’s Day with an arrangement that speaks volumes and creates unforgettable memories.
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Product Descriptions
The Amalia Bouquet is the ultimate Valentine’s Day gesture—an enchanting arrangement that speaks the language of love. Imagine 12 velvety red roses, their petals unfurling like whispers of romance, nestled gently against the soft, cloud-like elegance of misty white or baby's breath. This bouquet captures the magic of the day, embodying passion, devotion, and tenderness in every bloom. Whether you're planning a grand romantic gesture or a sweet surprise, the Amalia Bouquet is the perfect way to make this Valentine’s Day unforgettable. Each flower is handpicked and artfully arranged to create a gift that will take their breath away and leave them feeling cherished.
Product Details
Blooms: 12 Red Roses, Misty White or Baby's Breath
Arrangement Style: A timeless bouquet, thoughtfully arranged to convey love and admiration for any special occasion.
Delivery Details
EXCLUSIVE TO SELECT AREAS: Available only in Metro Manila, Bulacan, Cavite, Laguna, and Rizal.
Inclusions & Add-Ons
Complimentary Message Card: Include a personalized message to make your gift even more meaningful.
At Floristella, we pride ourselves on delivering only the freshest flowers. The Amalia Bouquet comes with free delivery and is guaranteed to arrive on time and in perfect condition, allowing you to share your love effortlessly.
Care Instructions
Watering: Upon receiving the bouquet, trim the stems at an angle and place them in fresh, cool water. Refresh the water daily.
Trimming: Trim the stems every 2-3 days to ensure optimal water absorption.
Placement: Keep the bouquet in a cool area, away from direct sunlight and drafts.
Lifespan: Remove any wilting flowers promptly to keep the bouquet fresh and extend its life.